Our Mission

To offer advanced learning to the young people of Chelekura, Uganda . . . an area of abject poverty and need . . . by proving funding for John Paul Secondary School; to engage other interested persons by increasing awareness of the success of the school; to expand the John Paul campus to accommodate anticipated growth of student attendance by efficient planning for facilities, staffing, curriculum, health care and supplies; and to maintain an impressive record of dispensing 97% of funds donated to facilities, student and teacher programs.

Our Vision

Friends of John Paul School’s Board of Directors has a distinct vision for the school. Keywords are Premier and Sustainable. The academic standard is high; teachers are among the finest in the region and special emphasis is placed on Christian values, ethics, team building and integrity.

A three-phase Development Plan keeps us focused on accommodating the accelerated growth of the student population, while maintaining our record of expending 97% of donated funds toward school facilities, staffing and students.

A Promise to be Kept

Our Board

Meet the Friends of John Paul School Board Members

Friends in Action

We keep our promise to John Paul Secondary School through money donated during our fundraising activities.

Our main events are an annual spring virtual 5K, a fall wine tasting dinner, and Giving Tuesday which takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.

Smaller fundraising events take place throughout the year.

Our Financials

Our prior tax returns are available here. Please reach out, we are happy to answer any questions.