John Paul School began with the request by a missionary priest to build a small secondary school in a remote village in Uganda.   Fifteen years later, this simple undertaking has developed into a highly respected center for advanced learning serving not only that remote village – Chelekura – but the region surrounding it.

From 14 original students in 2007, the school is now home to 600 young men and women.  A dedicated, degreed faculty now administers a curriculum ranging from S-1 through S-6, which represents a full college preparatory syllabus based on the British educational system.  

Because of the significant need for quality secondary education in Uganda, and concurrent with the continued success and excellent reputation of John Paul Secondary School, school officials in Uganda have advised us that there is almost unlimited opportunity to expand the school.   Nevertheless, the key factors determining the ultimate size of the school must include current campus footprint and contiguous property available, input from all stakeholders and a realistic assessment of the funding required for each increment of growth.   

The original Three Phase Plan has been modified to compensate for the 22-month closure of all Ugandan schools due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  The Three Phase Plan below remains based on a maximum school enrollment of 1,000 students and includes developmental elements and maintenance that occurred during the time the school was closed.  Going forward, elements of this plan can and will be adjusted based on actual growth, funding and circumstances.  

Completed Projects: 2022

Purchase any contiguous properties that become available Significantly increased the campus footprint with the acquisition of nine parcels of property
Build Multi-purpose building (Dining Hall, Auditorium, Social Hall)This $450,000 project provides seating for 500 students and staff at a time for each meal, 750 attendees per musical or stage performance
Furnish Multi-purpose BuildingSufficient furniture acquired to feed entire student body and staff in two servings.
Construct Modern KitchenA large kitchen featuring 5 modern stoves, plenty of storage and multiple indoor serving lines
Recruit and employ the highest degreed teachers available and compensate them at a premiumPaid all teachers throughout the COVID pandemic and all returned when schools reopened
Equip students and teachers with supplies necessary to achieve academic excellence after the school reopensAll books, chemical equipment and supplies, that were depleted during the pandemic were replaced prior to school

Phase 1: 2023

Construct additional dormitories Accommodate student growth to planned 1,000 enrollment, provide separate facilities to address the academic and social needs of older S-5 and S-6 students.
Build and furnish new classroomsThe explosive growth of JPSS has magnified the need for multiple additional classrooms
Acquire a School BusBus to be used for off-site teacher and student transport and transportation to academic, sports and recreational activities
Relocate soccer pitchCurrent soccer pitch is located in the middle of the campus, the ideal spot to add much needed classrooms. The new location must provide enough space to become FIFA approved
Construct government mandated facilities and procure mandated equipment. The 2023 curriculum requires construction of at least 2 stalls for dairy animals, a garden (size and crops yet to be determined) and five tailoring machines
Purchase any contiguous property that becomes availableAccommodate student and faculty growth

Phase 2: 2024

Construct additional dormitories Accommodate student growth to planned 1,000 enrollment, provide separate facilities to address the academic and social needs of older S-5 and S-6 students.
Build and furnish new classroomsThe explosive growth of JPSS has magnified the need for multiple additional classrooms
Construct Teacher Housing   Additional on campus teacher housing is needed to attract the best teachers to this remote region.
Convert existing kitchens to Teacher Housing unitsAdditional teacher housing will be necessary as student population grows

Phase 3: 2025

Building and equipment maintenanceMaintain the grounds as needed
Build and furnish additional classrooms To accommodate 800-1000 students
Furnish existing facilities   Add or replace beds, tables, benches, chairs and worn pieces
Maintain heavy traffic areas     Replace dirt paths with stone to control mud
Secure the entire campus with security fencing or natural barriersFor safety reasons, protect entire or specific campus areas 
Build a Medical Compound comprised of a Clinic & staff housingThe medical facility would serve the school and surrounding village area
Purchase required books    Remain current to the curriculum
Introduce added studiesPurchase musical instruments