Welcome to Our New Pastor!
We’re happy to announce that a new Pastor/Director has been appointed to John Paul Secondary School. His name is Fr. John Chrysostom Oduc and he was born in Pallisa, which means he’s now only 7 miles from his home! Father John was ordained in 2010 and has served as assistant pastor and pastor in three other parishes before coming to serve as Pastor of St John the Baptist Church and director of JPSS. He has also served as Chairman Board of Governors of Gamatui Girls Secondary School and Dean of Budaka deanery. Father John is very happy to be joining us at JPSS and looks forward to working with the…
Campus Update
There is no doubt that change is constant. It is also equally challenging. On return to school, our students will see a new addition to the campus. After a long construction period, due to flooding and then Covid-19 work interruptions and shutdowns, the new 160 bed Boy’s dormitory is completed and ready for occupation. It will constitute a great “Welcome back!” to our students.
Annual Wine Tasting Fast Approaching
Once again, we will be holding our annual Charity Wine Tasting at the chic Silver Spoon Ristorante in Rochester, Michigan. For your enjoyment, five premier wines will be paired with a like number of gourmet tastings. You’ll have an opportunity to meet our expanded Board of Directors and be briefed on the school’s explosive growth in student enrollment, curriculum and campus. We promise a delightful evening of great cuisine, warm welcoming hospitality and just plain fun! We are well aware of some apprehension because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Rest assured, not only will all mandated safety regulations be met or exceeded, but we are also reducing group size and duration…
Covid-19 Update – July 2020
John Paul Secondary School is still closed by order of the Ugandan Government; we eagerly await notification for re-opening. If there has been one universal side effect to the Covid-19 pandemic, it would be “disruption.” Covid-19 has disrupted every person’s life in some manner – for Ugandan students, it has been devastating. Yet . . . it is further reinforcement of the value of John Paul Secondary School to the area. The Crisis in Uganda Virus statistics have not been as high as some other African nations – as of late July, Uganda has reported 1089 positive cases, 975 recovered with one very recent death. Nevertheless, the lack of a…
2020 Annual Charity Wine Tasting & Dinner
Please Save the Date, Wednesday, October 7, 2020 or Thursday, October 8, 2020, for our annual charity wine tasting and dinner in support of John Paul Secondary School The event will once again be held at the beautiful Silver Spoon Ristorante in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Mark your calendars now! An email invitation from Paul Berrigan to follow.
Father’s Day 2020
Support for our teachers during the pandemic
A message to our donors and to those who have expressed an interest in John Paul Secondary School Uncertainty and apprehension have invaded our daily lives – it is a distressing time for all of us. Yet, our faith in the American spirit remains unchanged. There is renewed hope for a return to better days . . . a resurgence of genuine concern for each other . . . and increased gratitude for those who support us. The Board of Directors joins the students and faculty of John Paul Secondary School to assure you that you are often in our thoughts and daily in our prayers. We are ever grateful…
Covid-19 Update
Dear Friends of John Paul School, Just a brief update on what’s happening in Uganda right now concerning the Coronavirus. Up until a few days ago, Uganda had not had any cases of the Coronavirus but unfortunately, as of yesterday, they have 9 cases. The government has closed all schools for one month and people are asked to stay home. JPSS closed one week ago and the students were all sent home to their families. With so much change and unpredictability going on in the world right now, we want you to know that some things remain constant. The Board of Friends of John Paul School and the entire faculty, students…
Send love to Uganda this Valentine’s Day!
Celebrate the loves in your life by shopping on Smile.Amazon for Valentine’s Day!! At the same time you will donate to your favorite charity!! Your loved ones will love you & your gift even more with your charitable act! Choose Friends of John Paul School to donate to the students of JPSS!! 💕💕
#GivingTuesday 2019
#GivingTuesday is upon us! After the wonderful indulgence of Thanksgiving and shopping opportunities of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday is an global movement to give back, to use our blessings to enrich the lives of others. On this #GivingTuesday, please consider giving to help Friends of John Paul School further our work to provide a quality Catholic education for children in rural Uganda. Please click through the link below to learn more about our work and the kids it’s benefiting. www.johnpaulschool.com https://charity.gofundme.com/o/en/campaign/fojps2019