Update from Uganda – Rich Sambol
The pictures. Look at the pictures. The kids smiling, slapping hands. Constantly saying, “How are you?” Almost like an echo. Spend five days with them. Hear them sing. See them dance. The young ones are future students. The older ones are the students, the ones who will be role models for the youngest of the young. These kids don’t have the swollen bellys you see on late-night television ads that ask for aid to a third-world African country. These kids are happy. No, they don’t have much by Western standards. Actually, they don’t have much at all. No plumbing. No electricity. John Paul School is far from the city. The roads are unpaved and dusty.…
Update from Uganda – Jim and Cheryl Carrier
The last place I thought I would ever visit on vacation was Africa. When my wife decided to go on the November 2010 Uganda safari with Paul and Nancy, I reconsidered and followed her lead. It turned out to be a great decision. As it turned out, the whole trip was one unexpectedly fantastic experience after another. There were fabulous accommodations in a variety of unspoiled beautiful African settings. The wild animals were incredibly plentiful including gorillas, elephants, zebras, antelopes, water buffalo, chimpanzees, hippos, and lions that were sometimes almost close enough to touch. And, much to Paul’s pleasure there were many many different and beautiful birds. But, by far the…
Update from Uganda – Danna Dokmo
“I was fortunate to have traveled to Uganda with Paul and Nancy in November, and experienced a trip of a lifetime! John Paul Secondary School is a very exciting work in progress and an example of what faith, commitment and dedication can yield. The people of Uganda are so gracious and the country is beautiful beyond description! I am honored to share in supporting such an important project.” Danna Dokmo
November 2012 Trip
November 1, 2012 saw us leaving once again for our annual visit to John Paul Secondary School in Uganda. This year there were only four of us, but we were thrilled to have our nephew Michael Berrigan and his wife Blair as our traveling companions. They are strong supporters of the school and were anxious to visit it and meet the students as well as tour this beautiful country. This was a trip that had many highlights and it wasn’t long before we were deeply engrossed in one of the more solemn and moving parts of our trip. After the long drive from Entebbe, we finally arrived at the school…
JPSS in the news 2011
Check out the article in the Archdiocese of Kansas City Leavan – September 2011 The Leavan – Kansas City 2011 Check out the article for the Bishop Ward High School Afterward Article – June 2011 Afterward Bishop Ward 2011 Check out the article in the Farmington Observer – May 15, 2011 Observer May 2011 article page 1 Observer May 2011 article page 2 Check out the article in the Farmington Observer – February 6, 2011 Observer page 1 Observer page 2 Country Lanes Subdivision Communique: Communique article.302
Bishop Ward High School “Class of ’64”
A fun event we attended during the summer has resulted in a whole new group supporting John Paul School. In August the “Class of 64” from Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, Kansas (Nancy’s Alma Mater) held their 45th class reunion. We were fortunate enough to be able to attend and had fun reconnecting with old friends while enjoying the weekend activities. During the festivities the subject of John Paul School came up among a few friends and that has blossomed into another major fund-raising activity. Nancy’s classmates, led by Vicki Wewers, Rich Sambol, Bob Wewers and Cathy Stone decided they wanted to do something special to help and…
2010 School Visit
Update from Uganda – Paul and Nancy 2010
This was my second visit to John Paul School and I must admit it was just as exciting for me this time as it was the first time I visited in 2007. My husband, Paul, was able to visit the school in 2008 but unfortunately I wasn’t able to accompany him that time. And while it looked friendly, warm and familiar, in the three years since I was there so much has changed. Now besides having a beautiful school, we also have a girl’s dormitory that can house 80 girls. A new “indoor” kitchen is under construction and nearly completed. But the biggest surprise for me was the three solar…
Objectives 2010
The year 2010 will present a number of challenges and hopefully a major milestone in the development of John Paul Secondary School. The main objective for the year will be to complete the steps necessary for the school to become officially recognized and registered by the Ugandan Department of Education. Currently students can receive their education at John Paul School but when it comes time for them to sit for their final exams they must do so at a different school, one which is registered. To be registered we must meet a whole laundry list of requirements to ensure the school meets national standards. Many are organizational such as the…
2009 School Visit