The Hungerford Scholars . . . A study in desire, determination, hope and generosity.

“Being a Hungerford Scholar is such a wonderful opportunity; it has resurrected my dream and propelled my desire to achieve my academic goals”
– John Paul Secondary School Hungerford Scholar
Imagine a boy and girl of bright mind and determination. They live in mud huts . . . no water, no electricity. After seven years of primary education, they hunger for advanced learning . . . the door to university studies. They have determination but little hope. Their parents can barely afford even the most minimal tuition; worse, they often need them to help farm during the season. They have no place to study, no textbooks, no tutor, no mentor. Their future? Bleak . . . a life of poverty as a subsistence farmer.

John Paul Secondary School was founded on the premise of helping just such children; the Hungerford Scholarship makes this a reality. The program was designed by Paul Berrigan and Dr. Larry Hungerford . . . with enthusiastic support from wife, Sue. The Hungerfords, who live in North Carolina, met Founders Nancy and Paul Berrigan on a trip to Vietnam. Hearing about the school, Larry and Sue became interested and generous benefactors of JPSS. What was the best way they could help? Give the village children a chance to dream – and to hope – for achievement and ultimate success.

Eleven scholarships are awarded for each grade level, each year based on the results of Ugandan testing administered during the first year of secondary education. Those with the most potential earn full tuition and boarding to attend JPSS. Additionally, all exam fees and school activities which include academic tours of geography and agriculture are included. Once admitted, if academic progress, grades and disciplined behavior are maintained, the scholarship will be renewed each year.

“Sue and I support many charities but without question, John Paul School is one of our favorites! Besides being a wonderful cause, you get so much value for your dollar! For the equivalent of $250 a year you can give a child a great education. Imagine that! For $250 a year you can help to break the chains of poverty with the promise of a bright future . . . and forever change a young person’s life. What impact and what a return on your investment.”
– Dr. Larry Hungerford