Hold a Fundraiser . . . enjoy the satisfaction of helping young students in Uganda
There are many creative ways to raise money for JPSS. Board members would be happy to talk you through your own idea – and do everything we can to help. Below are just a few ideas and some past, successful fundraising events. of the creative and successful fundraising events held by Friends and donors.
Charity Run, Walk, Ride
To purchase supplies for the school to bring during their upcoming June 2015 visit, Sam and Eoin Comerford participated in a 10K run. Pledges from this went towards purchasing items for the students.
Garage Sale
In summer, we began gathering used items from friends and neighbors in order to run a garage sale with proceeds to benefit the kids at JPSS.
Alternative Christmas Fair
For 5 years, Friends of John Paul School made and sold items at the November Alternative Christmas Fair sponsored by Hope Lutheran Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan.
Joan Mountford Dresses for Africa
A wonderful lady, Joan Mountford, reached out to us. Could we use any dresses for the girls at John Paul Secondary School? Joan started sewing Little Dresses for Africa. In 2012, Joan set her own personal goal . . . she made a dress for every girl at John Paul School! . . . that means 144 dresses!
St. Irenaeus Tea and Boutique
St. Irenaeus Social Commission sponsored a Tea and Boutique for its parish and families. Parishioners donated new items for sale and enjoyed a three-course tea. Parish Youth Group served the ladies. Proceeds from ticket sales and Boutique were donated to John Paul School.
Linen Collection Sale
A donor is liquidating her antique and vintage linen collection by hosting annual sales events. Proceeds are going to John Paul Secondary School.
Sales after Masses
Does your parish support local scouting troops and its youth group by allowing after-mass sales? We have had groups make and sell jewelry, candles, dip mixes and more and sell at St. Fabian while raising money for JPSS. Ask about it at your parish.
Annual Hoagie Party
One of our wonderful supporters holds an annual Hoagie party in his backyard. Guests can enjoy the outdoor barbecue, hear about John Paul Secondary School progress and offer their support.
Charity Trunk or Treat
At a Trunk or Treat, the children are welcomed inside for games and crafts and the parents then decorate the cars with a Halloween theme. Children ‘trunk or treat’ through the parking lot to the various cars where they receive candy. Per car proceeds to JPSS.