Another School Year Begins…
On February 5, 2024, John Paul Secondary School opened its doors to our students who were eagerly waiting to get back to their studies and to see their friends again after their 2-month end-of-year break. They were warmly greeted by Fr John Chrysostom, Director, Moses Bwayo, Headteacher, and all the teachers. When our students return to school after a long break, it’s much like moving back into a college dorm. They must bring all their clothing and personal items in one trunk plus they bring their own mattresses, linens, and mosquito netting. They are accompanied by their parents or guardians who bring them to school by bus or car and…
Terrific Test Results!
UCE – Uganda Certificate of Education Taken by all S.4. students across the country Quoting our JPSS Director Fr. John, we are “over the moon” with excitement over our S4 students’ just-released 2023 UCE testing results! They once again ranked #1 in the Pallisa District and, based on their average scores, the school is now in the top 20% in the whole country in UCE results! Many thanks and congratulations to our wonderful teachers and staff for making this happen! The exams that these students take last for several days. Students take 10 subject exams, each of which is typically 2.5 hours. Each exam results in a score for…
Distribution Day!
You, our amazing donors, responded to our call to be able to bring supplies and gear for each of our students, teachers and staff (over 700 people!). Charity wish list orders of sports bras, socks, and drawstring bags poured into Paul and Nancy’s house, and gently used ties were donated by, in some cases, the hundreds! All were carefully packed into 16 large duffle bags that were divided up between the board members traveling to Uganda. Once at the school, we had the whole of Berrigan Hall and all the tables to lay out the items so the students could proceed in and select one of each. Our visiting team…
Student Spotlight – Government Scholarships
Our students just completed Term 1 on April 29, 2023. They continue to excel in their academics and we look forward to another successful year for all of them. Last year, all 108 S4 JPSS students passed their UCE exams. These impressive results made John Paul Secondary School the #1 ranked school, of 28 secondary schools, in the Pallisa District. In addition, 24 of our S6 students sat for their UACE exams. The results of this exam determine a student’s ability to move on to University. Twenty-three of our students scored well enough to qualify and four of these S6 students are now eligible to receive government scholarships to University.…
We are extremely happy and very proud to announce that all 108 of our S-4 students passed their UCE (Uganda Certificate of Education). This is a remarkable achievement for the students and teachers. These students returned to classes in January 2022 after no schooling for 22 months due to COVID-19, so to all pass their exams is awe-inspiring! And because of this, JPSS was ranked the top school (of all 28 secondary schools) in the Pallisa District! We offer them our sincerest congratulations!! The exams that these students take last for several days. Students take 10 subject exams and can earn scores of 1-10. A “1” means the student scored…
Students Return for 2023 School Year
There was a flurry of excitement on the campus of John Paul Secondary School on Monday, February 6, 2023, as we opened our doors to begin the new school year. We were thrilled to welcome 100+ bright-eyed, anxious S-1 students to JPSS as they leave primary school and begin their secondary school experience. When added to the S-2, S-3, S-4, and S-6 students we already have a thriving campus of 607 students. And, we await the return of our S-5 students who cannot return until March 6, 2023. The students and teachers are on a “high” after learning of how well our S-4 candidates scored on the UCE exams! All…
Meet Our Senior Students
Please click on their photos below to learn more about Anthony Ateese, Mercy Chebet and Albert Oule.
Student Spotlight – Anthony Ateese
Meet Anthony
Student Spotlight – Mercy Chebet
Meet Mercy
Student Spotlight – Albert Oule
Meet Albert