• In The News,  Students

    Thanks to You – a Balanced Diet!

    In the U.S., the quality and nutritional value of the school lunches provided in both public and private schools is top of mind.  U.S. students are provided nutritionally balanced meals, fresh fruits and vegetables, meats and many cuisine and flavor options at each meal. In Uganda, the standard in all schools for the main meals of lunch and dinner is Posho and Beans.   Posho is a nutritious food that forms the backbone of the East African diet. It is predominantly made from maize flour, which is a good source of carbohydrates, providing the energy needed for the day-to-day activities of an active society.  Posho contributes to a well-rounded intake…

  • In The News,  Students

    Where Are They Now?

    We are often asked what happens to our students after they finish their studies at John Paul Secondary School.  JPSS began offering A-level classes with our first S-5 class in 2019 and first S-6 class in 2020.  Successful completion of these classes and adequate scoring on the UACE exam allows our graduates to continue their education at University, technical school and other tertiary institutions. Prior to this, we unfortunately didn’t have the means to stay in touch with our students as they attended A level classes at a different secondary school.  But now, once our graduates complete their testing, we know the path they hope to follow.  Much depends on…

  • In The News,  Students,  Updates from JPSS

    Let’s Go!  2024 Uganda National Debate Competition

    John Paul Secondary Students are invited to attend the 3rd Edition Uganda National Secondary Schools’ Debate, Poetry & Public Speech Championship 2024! We’re so excited for the JPSS Debate Team! They were named a semi-finalist at the District-level Competition which qualified them to attend the National Debate Competitions at Holy Cross Secondary School in Jinja. This is a very prestigious event and quite an honor for our students to be invited. Many of the other schools that were invited have a considerably larger enrollment and are in metropolitan cities throughout Uganda making the competition challenging. The National Competition began on August 25, 2024. JPSS was represented by 3 debaters, 1…

  • In The News,  Students

    Student Entrepreneurship – Soap Making!

    Soap making is part of the new Uganda curriculum, meant to teach students life skills that can be employed throughout their lives (much like the U.S. home economics and shop classes).  The lead teacher for this is Madam Akurut Caroline. The soap making is done 3 times each term. The students manufacture 15 Jerry cans of soap which will provide enough soap to clean the school for approximately a month. The cost of the supplies to make the soap is approximately 160,000 UGX or about $43. If the school were to purchase the soap, the cost of the same 15 Jerry cans would be about 650,000 or $174, so this…

  • Campus Development,  In The News,  Uncategorized

    Update on Campus Development

    Half way through the year and the campus is buzzing with activity!! Crews of workers are bringing our very ambitious construction plans to fruition right on time. And time is a key element.  It is synchronized to make sure all 5 major projects are completed in order and by year end. Most important and number 1 priority is to build an 8 class room primary school on newly acquired property across the road from the JPSS campus.  Adodoi Primary School is a government school that was on the JPSS property and is now being relocated across the street.  The goal is to have the 1000+ primary school students begin the…

  • In The News,  Students

    New Professionals from Former Students

    It is a pleasure to share this exciting news; two former JPSS students have returned as professionals to work at the school as teacher and nurse. Meet Sharon Khabuya and Kevine Mukite. Sharon Khabuya has returned as an Agriculture teacher. She grew up in Bulambuli with four siblings. Her favorite subject at JPSS was Agriculture and her fondest memory was attending a field trip to Aguile Market. Kevine Mukite was raised in Manafwa District with three siblings. She has returned  to care for the students as a nurse. Her favorite subject was English and  she cherishes the memories of fun and friendship with her fellow students and teachers. Both women…

  • In The News

    My Grandparents Built a School in Africa

    My grandparents are Paul and Nancy Berrigan and in 2007 they built a Catholic secondary school in the small rural village of Chelekura, Uganda, East Africa. The school was named John Paul Secondary School. A little-known fact is that the school was named in memory of my great-grandfathers, John and Paul. When the school first opened it consisted of a total of nine classrooms. And, there were only 14 students and 10 teachers. Please click on the video below to see the full story: Fast forward to 2024, the school now has close to 700 students and 40 teachers. In addition to the classrooms, now there is the Daryl D.…

  • In The News,  Updates from JPSS

    John Paul Secondary School Board of Governors

    We are very excited to announce the induction of the new Board of Governors for John Paul Secondary School!  We welcome these twelve talented individuals who will actively help guide JPSS to enable its vision: to produce citizens to be the light of the world.  Mr. Okuma John Francis, the Chairperson of the Board, holds a Masters Degree in Education Policy Planning and Management, and spent his career teaching and then as Headteacher, finally serving as the Director of Education for the Pallisa district. In fact, many of the individuals on the board have prior teaching experience, as well as school administration experience. Others bring a mix of financial and…

  • How To Help,  In The News

    Volunteers Needed

    Volunteer Positions/Skills Needed These represent our ongoing needs for help and include the type of assistance needed and expected time commitment. Website and Social Media management – making changes and updates to existing WordPress website, creating new Posts and basic website maintenance.  Website performance optimization greatly needed.  Manage social media accounts, prepare posts based on communication calendar, review post performance.  Experience with WordPress a plus (but not required), comfort in online systems, social media posting. Time Commitment:  website updates quarterly and prior to/after events (3-4 times a year), social media updates 2×3 times a month, more frequent during fundraisers. Graphic Design/Video Production – working in conjunction with Website and Social…

  • Events and Fundraising,  How To Help,  In The News

    2024 FOJPS Virtual 5K Results

    Thank you so much to everyone who participated in or donated to our fourth annual virtual 5K – benefiting the students and teachers at John Paul Secondary School in Uganda! Please watch the Kick-off video above which includes footage from the race in Chelekura. It was a wonderful day and the students and teachers were all so happy to be part of a fundraiser helping their school. In fact, the teachers came together to take up a collection in order to help raise money for the 5K event.    They see the impact the overcrowded classrooms has on their students, and they want to help. The 5K week was a…