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Update on Campus Development

Half way through the year and the campus is buzzing with activity!! Crews of workers are bringing our very ambitious construction plans to fruition right on time. And time is a key element.  It is synchronized to make sure all 5 major projects are completed in order and by year end.

The new primary school buildings are erected on the new site.

Most important and number 1 priority is to build an 8 class room primary school on newly acquired property across the road from the JPSS campus.  Adodoi Primary School is a government school that was on the JPSS property and is now being relocated across the street.  The goal is to have the 1000+ primary school students begin the 2025 school year in these new facilities. As soon as the primary school year ends in early December, we will begin rehabbing their existing classrooms. They will then be converted adding 8 additional classrooms to JPSS.  

The new primary school construction site has al the necessary safety precautions in place.

At the same time, we are building two 100-bed dormitories (one for boys and one for girls). These will house the S-5 & S-6 students, those preparing to graduate and go on to college or the business world. These two buildings are well underway and will also meet the time schedule.

Side view of the new 100 bed boys’ dorm for A level students

These two facilities will be the first at the school that will be furnished with toilets. No more latrines!

The last of these five projects is also the biggest user of land. Negotiations to acquire the last piece of property needed continue. The final project for 2024 is a FIFA approved Soccer Field with all the attendant support facilities.

Back view of the new 100 bed girls’ dorm for A level students