In The News,  Students

Student Entrepreneurship – Soap Making!

Soap making is part of the new Uganda curriculum, meant to teach students life skills that can be employed throughout their lives (much like the U.S. home economics and shop classes).  The lead teacher for this is Madam Akurut Caroline.

The soap making is done 3 times each term. The students manufacture 15 Jerry cans of soap which will provide enough soap to clean the school for approximately a month. The cost of the supplies to make the soap is approximately 160,000 UGX or about $43. If the school were to purchase the soap, the cost of the same 15 Jerry cans would be about 650,000 or $174, so this is saving the school about $131 each month – which is about what one full-time teacher makes, so it is a very positive impact on their budget.

We’re very proud of our entrepreneurship students and Madam Akurut Caroline!