How To Help,  In The News

Volunteers Needed

Friends of John Paul School is a 100% volunteer run organization; we are proud of that since it means virtually every penny of donations goes to support the programs and construction that benefit our students and teachers.

We are always in need of more helping hands, at events and fundraisers, but also with the daily operations of the non-profit, like finance, marketing, project management, website and social media management, etc. Please take a look at the current needs below, and when ready, complete the form to the right to reach out to us.

No need for prior experience, just an interest in helping and some time to devote. Thank you for all you do for the kids in Uganda!!

Volunteer Positions/Skills Needed

These represent our ongoing needs for help and include the type of assistance needed and expected time commitment.

Website and Social Media management – making changes and updates to existing WordPress website, creating new Posts and basic website maintenance.  Website performance optimization greatly needed.  Manage social media accounts, prepare posts based on communication calendar, review post performance.  Experience with WordPress a plus (but not required), comfort in online systems, social media posting. Time Commitment:  website updates quarterly and prior to/after events (3-4 times a year), social media updates 2×3 times a month, more frequent during fundraisers.

Graphic Design/Video Production – working in conjunction with Website and Social Media management – develop design elements to support messaging, modify photos as needed.  Develop video messages to support fundraisers.  Mailchimp newsletter production.   Assist with or complete development of annual Impact Report bi-fold.  Comfortable in any image editing software (we are using Canva) and any video processing program (we use Microsoft photos).  Time Commitment:  website updates quarterly and prior to/after events (3-4 times a year), social media updates 2×3 times a month, more frequent during fundraisers, quarterly newsletter production, once a year Impact Report creation.

Writers – work with Communication Director to develop content for website, newsletters, fundraising campaigns, video scripts, etc.  Time commitment:  As needed, focus on quarterly newsletter and website updates.

Grant Management – Seek out and apply for a variety of grants – governmental, corporate, foundation or other non-profit.  Includes grant compliance and reporting.  Any grant experience would be much desired, but not required.  Time commitment:  as available – this is a new position for FOJPS.

Non-profit Accounting – any experience with accounting for non-profits, either as a temporary consultant or permanent assistance. 

Fundraising and Donor Relationships – works to secure funding and sponsorships.  Help establish fundraising plans, maintaining donor relationships, and securing new ones.  Research opportunities to expand our donor base.

Structural Engineering – as capital construction projects occur, assist the board in reviewing plans for building, understanding/researching requirements in the local Ugandan environment, and vet costing submitted by contractors.  Engineering experience would be a plus.  Time commitment: as needed as we undertake construction projects.

Parish Liaisons – work to educate your parish about JPSS in Uganda and look for opportunity to promote the charity, involve youth and service groups, etc.

Volunteer Events

We need volunteers to help our events run smoothly. These positions are typically needed just prior to and during the fundraising event itself.

Event Photographer – Help us capture the fun moments at any of our fundraising events.

Event Sales Assist with the sale of raffle tickets, Ugandan crafts and/or wine orders at the Annual Charity Wine Tasting.

Event Host – Volunteer your home and contact friends to set up a fundraising dinner or local 5K walk (in conjunction with our Annual Spring Virtual 5K).