In The News,  JPSS Visit

Our Trip to JPSS – by Bob and Debbie Clark

Though we are relative “newcomers” to the John Paul Secondary School board, we are so very thankful that we have become involved. Sharing our time, along with “some” talent and treasures for the benefit of JPSS, has been rewarding above and beyond ever imagined. Our feeling that we have been blessed by being involved were confirmed with our recent visit to the school located in a very remote area in Eastern Uganda

Board members outside Berrigan Hall

We traveled with the Berrigan family along with the Comerfords … fellow board members and great travel companions. To reach Chelekura, Uganda (where the school is located), we traveled unpaved, often very rutted roads, but thankfully our experienced driver, Male’, handled the roads effortlessly. We will never forget a few distinct things about our 1st day drive to the school and our first day visit:

Day 1 Memories

Local family outside their home

Passing the round mud huts, no windows, thatched roofs—homes to the local community. Women cooking in the center over open fires, and waving to us with broad smiles. The small children chasing down our ATV, waving and yelling HI! (Of course our white faces, driving in the ATV may have sparked their curiosity).

The narrow bridge over a creek not far from the school. It is badly in need of repair (or at least by American standards)—missing foundation rocks in the structure (we could see the creek below between the boulders in the bridge). Distinctly remember thinking “wouldn’t it be better if all 6 of us help reduce the weight of the ATV by getting out and walking over the bridge, rather than driving over with a full vehicle?? Male’ thought we could make it and we safely did —6 times—-there and back, each of the 3 days we visited the school. God was looking out for us!

As we approached the school, we were shocked at how impressive the Multi Purpose Building (MPB) appeared. WOW, it’s a magnificent , modern looking building out in the middle of nowhere! But after passing the front gates, being greeted by hundreds of smiling students, nicely dressed in their uniforms, we found there is SO much more to this school than just this beautiful new MPB. (Of course a secondary highlight was seeing the painting {done by a recent graduate} of the founders, Nancy & Paul on the huge rock—a real masterpiece)!!

Note: unfortunate boulder crevise

Meeting such wonderfully friendly and very appreciative staff:

– Fr John, pastor of the church and administrator of the school greeted us like we were long lost friends and our personal guide with a wealth of information on what was happening at the school.

– Moses, the headmaster—knowledgeable, professional and incredibly caring

– Vincent, architect and builder with an outstanding work ethic and deep devotion to doing a “great” job building the school facilities.

Moses greets Paul with a hug
Fr. John shares a walking tour of new land that has been purchased for expansion
Vincent explains how the modern new facilities can be used

All these men gave us a wonderful tour of the campus. It being our first visit to JPSS, we were very impressed with all the present facilities, yet recognizing all the more work still needed to be done:

– additional dorms needed (the cramped quarters in the girls and boys dormitory was really mind boggling, that so many students could live in such close quarters-and get along!!)
– seeing the new, modern kitchen, and the trenches being dug for the new water lines to be run to the buildings was so impressive. AND during all our touring, we were surrounded by children and students holding our hands, thanking us and making our long journey so worthwhile!

Day 2 Memories

Passing out the donated items (backpacks, bras, socks, ties, toothbrushes, rosaries…) and seeing how orderly and appreciative the students were

Bob laying out our donated ties (thank you!) for our teachers and senior students to choose from

The entertainment performed by the students on the new MPB stage—-dancing, singing, poetry and even local/tribal circumcision and fertility dances!!

Followed by volleyball and football (our soccer) matches. And lucky “Team Paul” won!

Paul and Nancy meet with their teams before the match
“Team Paul” celebrates their win over “Team Nancy”

The students have long 12+ hr days of early study halls, followed by Mass, classes, outdoor activities and late day study. They seem very happy and content. Couldn’t help but be impressed with their extreme appreciation of their school opportunities. Parents we met were thanking us whenever we met.

Day 3 Memories

Blessing of the Multi Purpose building was a grand celebration with the Monsignor John B. Kauta, Fr. John, many local priests and 20 catechists in attendance. The students sang beautifully throughout the Mass. Couldn’t help but notice all the locals joining in the celebration, especially all the little children who lined the aisles and were as quiet as mice all during Mass.

Debbie and the local children enjoy the Mass and presentations
Paul and Nancy are welcomed onstage by their dear friend Msgr. John Kauta

Teachers and locals dressed in their finest for this grand occasion. It was a beautiful and special day where the people of JPSS and locals in Chelekura recognized Paul and Nancy for working from the start to build this campus, and all their unending devotion to seeing the school grow from 14 students in 2007 to 661 today. They truly deserve the wonderful accolades showered on them this day.

Also would like to mention Fr Rogers, who is a young priest with a real devotion to the students. Debbie was fortunate to spend some extra time speaking with him. Very impressed with the counseling he has been working on with the S5 & S6 students.

Fr. Rogers Wekona

In conclusion, after this trip, we were incredibly impressed, feeling with warm hearts that we are so proud to be involved in John Paul Secondary School!