We are extremely happy and very proud to announce that all 108 of our S-4 students passed their UCE (Uganda Certificate of Education). This is a remarkable achievement for the students and teachers. These students returned to classes in January 2022 after no schooling for 22 months due to COVID-19, so to all pass their exams is awe-inspiring! And because of this, JPSS was ranked the top school (of all 28 secondary schools) in the Pallisa District!

We offer them our sincerest congratulations!! The exams that these students take last for several days. Students take 10 subject exams and can earn scores of 1-10. A “1” means the student scored a 90% or higher on an exam, with a “2” meaning 80-89%. Then, their best eight exam scores are added to get their total aggregate score and respective division. The highest aggregate score a student can get is 8 (top scores in the best 8 subjects), and the worst score is 80 (low scores of 10 in each subject). Scores between 8 and 32 receive a Division One ranking.

John Paul Secondary School had 16 students in Division One, 33 students in Division Two, 37 students in Division Three, and only 20 students in Division Four with the best student being David Gidudu who scored 12 aggregates, David Ogwang (a Hungerford Scholar) scored 17 aggregates, Betty Amuge (another Hungerford Scholar) scored 18 aggregates, Douglas Ngokho scores 20 aggregates and Juliana Namono scored 22 aggregates.

We are so proud of all the students and can’t wait to see what they do as they move on to S-5. Read more about their success in this article from Ultimate News in Uganda.