Virtual 5K Year 2 – Let’s Go!
Please join us for our second annual Friends of John Paul School Virtual 5K to support the kids in Uganda at John Paul Secondary School. Again this year, our students and teachers in Uganda will be joining us for the Virtual 5K!
Virtual means that you commit to walking, running, cycling, etc. for 3.1 miles some time during the week of June 4th through June 10th. You can pick your path, timing and people you want to do it with. Our phenomenal sponsor, Kim Dwyer of Thrivent, is donating custom race t-shirts for each participant so everything raised goes directly to support our students’ education. Prices are just $25 per adult, $10 per student, or $50 per family.
2021 Students and Teachers Race
Just like last year, we’ll have fun prizes for the winning 5K selfies/photos. We encourage everyone to send these in as our students in Uganda LOVE to see the photos of our supporters! And we greatly appreciate it if you’d consider starting a team to fundraise for JPSS (inviting other folks to sign up or to sponsor your 5K through donations). Information on starting a fundraising team will be sent in your registration confirmation email.
2021 5K Selfies
Please consider joining us for the special event uniting our countries, homes and hearts and helping our students return successfully to their education after almost 22 month of closure.
Lace up your shoes and click here to register!
Please see our video summary of the 2021 event: