Campus Development,  In The News

Quality, Functional, AND Cost-Effective Facilities

Proudly affirming that 97% of donor contributions goes toward student and faculty programs and facilities, we want to provide an update on our Three-Year Development Program. While the school itself was closed, Friends of John Paul School and the school faculty were as busy as ever.

First, there were government mandates to satisfy, such as security fencing, hiring a full-time nurse and security guards for the campus.

After more than 12 years, there was a significant amount of maintenance needed for older parts of the campus. This included foundation work, new and restored flooring, doubling the number of latrines and improvement of the campus water supply.

The entire computer lab expansion was a major project involving significant concepting and coordination between Board Director Liz Comerford and Computer Teacher Francis Akol. When the new furniture and hardware arrived, wiring and installation began.

The recently-completed 160 bed Boy’s Dorm will be waiting the return of students but with projected attendance growth, it may not be long before more dorm space is required. 

However, the next major construction is one that the faculty has been requesting for a few years – a multi-purpose building. Why is it so important? One significant reason: to provide a dining hall for students. From the inception of the
school, students have picked up their meals from the outside kitchen and found spots to eat outside. The acquisition of a dining hall would enable ALL students to eat in two shifts.

And . . . there would be numerous other uses for this facility; Fr. John names a few: Assembly and Social Hall; Certified Testing Center; Staged Music and Dramatic Performances; PTA, Faculty and student Meeting Center; Board of Governors and school related meetings; private study, classroom and faculty space.  Additionally, the school might consider renting the facility for business meetings and exhibitions.  Blueprints are being executed now — we’ll continue to keep you posted.

We began our three-bulletin message with this premise:
‘Every time you are asked for a contribution, you have the right to respond:

“Why should I select your charity to support?
Why is its purpose and need greater than many others?
What makes it a better investment than the 10, 30, 60 solicitations I get every year?
What results have you achieved that give me the assurance that what I donate will make a discernable difference?”

We hope we have adequately answered these questions for you. We hope we have given you a reason to visit our website at A final thought for reflection:

. . . to leave the world a better place…
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson