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Successful Giving Tuesday/Holiday Campaign Sets 2021 Expansion

The generous outpouring from donors during our annual Holiday Campaign is welcoming students back to a greatly enhanced Computer Lab . . . with more improvements to come.  But first . . . a recap.

We are grateful to report that donor contributions from Giving Tuesday and our annual Holiday Mailing campaigns net John Paul Secondary School $142,531, an 87 % increase over four years.  A review of the campaigns from 2017 through 2020 indicates that the average contribution from donors has almost doubled.  This reflects reinforced confidence in John Paul Secondary School . . . and support for the school’s continuing success.

The fact that the actual number of donors has not significantly risen lays forth our challenge for the upcoming year:  How best to tell our story in a way that will enlist more convinced supporters.

How do we plan to utilize the $142,000 plus?  Wisely and carefully as always.  Remember, we can proudly affirm that 97% of money donated goes to student and teacher programs and facilities.

As we “go to press” the newly expanded Anne Bidigare Computer Lab is being completed and installed . . . with more than triple existing computer capacity, internet access and new software.  This critical endeavor will greatly enhance student capabilities to compete for college acceptance and prepare them for a place in the world that lies ahead.   (A comprehensive story on the lab is forthcoming.)

Also, on the agenda is a Multipurpose Building which will house a dining hall and auditorium – both badly needed as students now eat outdoors and have no indoor gathering area.   The success of our campaign also lets us explore the acquisition of property needed to expand our campus footprint to accommodate expected student growth.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, our dedicated students and staff, thank you for your generosity in a year that was so stressful for all.    Know that your contributions will continue to positively change the lives of John Paul students.