Events and Fundraising,  In The News

Support for our teachers during the pandemic

A message to our donors and to those who have expressed an interest in John Paul Secondary School


Uncertainty and apprehension have invaded our daily lives – it is a distressing time for all of us.   Yet, our faith in the American spirit remains unchanged.   There is renewed hope for a return to better days . . . a resurgence of genuine concern for each other . . . and increased gratitude for those who support us.  The Board of Directors joins the students and faculty of John Paul Secondary School to assure you that you are often in our thoughts and daily in our prayers.  We are ever grateful for your interest and support.  We pray that you and those whom you love remain safe and in good health.

Covid-19 is a world-wide tragedy, affecting more than 184 countries.    America is one . . . so is Uganda, Africa. Uganda, with extreme poverty and an almost non-existent health care system, completely shut its borders and closed all schools, including JPSS, for two months.   This resulted in hardship for our teachers who, like many Americans, would not be paid while the schools were closed.

These 30 teachers are a primary factor in the success story of JPSS.  Not only are they highly qualified, but also, they have been recruited and selected for their dedication to African education, their ability to guide and mentor students and their commitment to our school.   Recognizing their value and dedication, we as a Board came to the decision to continue their salaries, agreeing unanimously that it was “the right thing to do.”   Then . . . because Uganda is in the early stages of the virus, the government recently extended its lockdown indefinitely.   Lack of incoming tuition has now resulted in a financial burden for the school’s already strict budget.

We know many Americans are struggling right now – financially and psychologically.  We are being asked to support our medical professionals, healthcare institutions and the many charitable organizations which are working unceasingly to fight the virus, fill food banks and offer critical services to those who most need help.   Yet, we are hopeful that you might help us meet our budget shortfall – all funds to go toward teacher salaries.  A donation of any size would truly be appreciated.

If it is not possible at this time, we understand completely and ask only for your prayers and consideration when you once again feel it is possible to donate.  We are incredibly grateful for your interest and support and confident that we will come through this time of trial, fear and grief – with God’s help – together and stronger.    May God bless you.

– The Board of Friends of John Paul School