JPSS Visit

2015 School Visit

1A003 DSC054541E004 DSC05629This year’s trip to the John Paul Secondary School was attended by Paul & Nancy Berrigan, Eoin, Liz, Sam and Nate Comerford. This was a special trip for all of us because the Comerford family has been an integral part of the fundraising projects that take place throughout the year, and this was the first time we were taking American high school students to meet their counterparts in Uganda.


Sam and his dad, Eoin, ran a 10K in the April to raise money to purchase solar powered Luci Lights to take to the school. The school and surrounding areas do not currently have electricity lines and therefore no source of consistent lighting at night.  The fundraising for the Luci Light was so successfully that each student, teacher and support staff was given a Luci Light, a total of 210 lights!  Now the students can study and read after the sun goes down.

This year we were able to get approval from Delta on their non-profit Baggage Waiver Program. This allowed each of us one more additional bag we could take with. So we took 12 black duffle bags, filled with items for the school kids. Only the Lord knows how we got it to Chelekura. But provide He did. Our friend, Dennis, was able to provide 2 vehicles which we filled to capacity with luggage and people.

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Our “freight” consisted of personal hygiene products, the Luci Lights, dresses and undergarments for the girls, flip flops, baseball caps, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, T-shirts, sewing kits, Rosaries and Alter Cloths.



One of our goals was to be able to order more books for the school. In May, we ordered 1800 text books. Each child will now have the books they need for their education.   And thank you so much to Coca Cola and Moosejaw Mountaineering for donating soccer uniforms and shirts!





We also ordered a solar-powered LifePlayer MP3 Player for the school. The unit can serve as a radio so the teacher at the school can access educational broadcasting from the capital city of Kampala.  We also downloaded hundreds of educational MP3 files including science topics, math, religion and literature which we hope will be useful for the teachers as supplements in class.  Check it out at


The largest accomplishment for this year was the SUCCESS of drilling for a Bore Hole Water Well. We were able to attend the Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony which was attended by all the students, teachers, people of the community and Blessed by Monsignor John Kauta.  WATER IS LIFE!! This well is not only important to those at the school, but also everyone living in the community. Their life will be made easier by not having to travel so far several times a day for water.



We were so proud of all that is being accomplished in Chelekura, the education, and development of the children of Uganda. Our journey is now 10 years old since the idea was first presented to us at a Mass at St. Fabian in Farmington Hills, MI. We have come so far and we have so much more to accomplish. Thank you for your continued financial support and prayers. God Bless each one of you.