JPSS Visit

Update from Uganda – Jim and Cheryl Carrier

The last place I thought  I would ever visit on vacation was Africa.  When my wife decided to go on the November 2010 Uganda safari with Paul and Nancy, I reconsidered and followed her lead.  It turned out to be a great decision.

As it turned out, the whole trip was one unexpectedly fantastic experience after another.   There were fabulous accommodations in a variety of unspoiled beautiful African settings.  The wild animals were incredibly plentiful including gorillas, elephants, zebras, antelopes, water buffalo, chimpanzees, hippos, and lions that were sometimes almost close enough to touch.  And, much to Paul’s pleasure there were many many different and beautiful birds.

But, by far the most impressive part of the whole trip to Uganda was our visit to the John Paul School. It was truly a life changing experience. Visiting the school was the first thing on our itinerary. We arrived there after several hours of driving much of which was on unpaved roads testing the capability of our 4-wheel drive Land Rover.  The poverty of the native people was very obvious all along the ride from Entebbe and really overwhelming.  However, once we got to the school, the great friendly personality of people became obvious. They live without electricity and have to carry their water in plastic jugs from hand pumped wells.  I couldn’t help but imagine what water supply and electricity would mean to them.  They love to dance, sing and play music on their hand fashioned instruments. We were treated to several ceremonial dances. The kids were fantastic with wide smiles and bright eyes. During the visit I began to understand the passion that Paul and Nancy have toward helping the Ugandan children.


Jim and Cheryl Carrier