Campus Development

Objectives 2010

The year 2010 will present a number of challenges and hopefully a major milestone in the development of John Paul Secondary School. The main objective for the year will be to complete the steps necessary for the school to become officially recognized and registered by the Ugandan Department of Education. Currently students can receive their education at John Paul School but when it comes time for them to sit for their final exams they must do so at a different school, one which is registered. To be registered we must meet a whole laundry list of requirements to ensure the school meets national standards. Many are organizational such as the number of teachers per student, the academic qualification of the teachers etc. while others are operational such as having a functioning Board of Governors, a separate bank account and an auditable set of books. Still others are facility related, and these are the ones we will focus on throughout 2010. The principle concern is the need to have an approved Science Center and Library. Currently, two classrooms have been set aside to fill this role. This was a very pragmatic and practical approach during the first years when the facility was underutilized by the small initial attendance. This year is the right time to make the move to a stand-alone facility for these services. In addition to providing a more comprehensive Science curriculum and more encompassing Library, when the new school year begins we anticipate the census will approach 200 students and those classrooms will be needed for daily classes. Since we are land constricted, we are planning a two story building that will have complete Science Center on the ground floor and a Library on the second floor.

We are very fortunate that during 2009 an anonymous donor provided the funds and we have purchased all the necessary chemicals, equipment and furniture to completely outfit the new Science Center when the building is complete. Another group (Bishop Ward High School – Class of 64) has taken on the challenge of the Library. So the fund-raising begins.

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