Campus Expansion 2024-2025
While at JPSS last summer, we were able to sit down with our school leaders and discuss the critical next steps towards our goal of a campus that will support 1000 students. The next crucial capital projects include the following (please view the video below for additional information on the importance and prioritization of these projects):
1. Construction of a 100 bed girls dorm – COMPLETED!
2. Construction of a 100 bed boys dorm – COMPLETED!
3. Relocation of the primary school – COMPLETED!
4. Relocation of the soccer field/construction of a new, modern soccer field and outbuildings – STARTING 2025
The cost of all of these projects is estimated to be approximately $400,000 and we are very happy to report that thanks to our wonderful donors, we have the funding to complete all this work! In addition, we will begin securitizing the campus in 2025, a much needed project.